owner quotes

651-654 of 654



Aug 9, 2012


Thanks for making the greatest instrument I've ever played.

A friend (who's Dad is a retired trad jazz guy who owns a little club in the French Quarter) came over to prepare for an upcoming Kanikaplia and was struck by the resonance in his chest when he played Myrtle. He kept tapping his chest and saying, ‘I never felt my playing here before.’


- Alan T. (775)



Aug 3, 2012


Hey Team, just wanted to send you more thanks and appreciation for all the hard work, care and love that you put into Beatrice. She is absolutely amazing. My neighbors love her too. I've noticed that they are spending more time in their backyards in the evenings. Maybe they are just doing more yard work, but I like to tell myself they are coming out to hear the lovely sounds of Bea.


- Capt. Weird Beard (744)



Aug 1, 2012


"I love your ukes. Your workmanship is superb, your engineering philosophy is after my own heart, and your soooo nice to deal with.”


- Hally V. (981)



Jul 26, 2012


I am so lovin my myrtle tenor, #767 to be exact. It's voice is so throaty and soulful, it reminds me of old Gibson J-45 acoustic guitars. It's warm, rich and suits my playing so well. I can't thank you enough for the obvious love and care that goes into your work. G/C! I love the uke, I love you and I love life. Thanks so much!


- Kevin Carroll (767)



Feb 29, 2012


I don't remember the time I felt so much emotion as I felt on this day. Finally, FINALLY after 2 weeks in customs my dear Mya Myrtle is finally in my arms. And as I just told my friends, it sounds like a warm spring day, a walk in the woods, a perfect sunset, the perfect meal, it sounds like...love...


- Mary C (670)



Nov 30, 2011


Oh my goodness, this is so exciting. I am honored to be included among all the amazing music posted on your site. Thank you so much!


- Marieke S. (596)



Nov 20, 2008


Other instruments at my house very jealous of Purple Uke. "Big Fishy" our pet goldfish, really likes Purple Uke. When I play it he starts spinning and flipping around his tank.


- Don Young (46)


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